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KulturKompis (CultureBuddies)

Make friends through culture! UKK and Music in Uppland offer KulturKompis (CultureBuddies) tickets to select events.

KulturKompis – make friends through culture

KulturKompis (CultureBuddies) gives both those who have recently arrived in Uppsala and established Swedes the opportunity to attend cultural events together, such as concerts, films and  museums. The KulturKompis project is part of the work of the Bildas Study Association with newcomers to the city through activities that can strengthen knowledge of Swedish, Swedish society and promote social participation.

Contact Bilda here if you want to form a group
CultureBuddies Uppsala is on Facebook

Places at select concerts

Book a place by emailing your request to State which concert you want to go to, how many places you would like and the name under which the booking should be made.

Places are reserved once the ticket office has confirmed the booking. Tickets can be picked up from the ticket office by the person who sent the email and made the booking. All tickets must be picked up from the Uppsala Konsert & Kongress ticket office at least 20 minutes before the concert starts and you must present your KulturKompis card. Uppsala Konsert & Kongress and Music in Uppland offer a limited number of places at select concerts.Â